ABA Resources for Recovery from Autism/PDD/Hyperlexia

ABA Resources for Recovery from Autism

More information about behavioral intervention:

What is ABA? with links to similar pages

Frequently asked questions about ABA and autism

How can I get help for my child? is a "form letter" about accessing special education services

ABA service providers 

Schools using ABA 

Educational  program resources - books, videos, teaching materials, software, Web sites

Special education attorneys and advocates 

Health insurance, Medicaid, other sources of financial assistance

Autism "one Dad's view"

A failure of special education is a story that will be familiar to some, cautionary to others

Parents' and professionals' experiences stories and letters

Giving - support autism and special education organizations

Autism and ABA surveys and research - contribute your experiences

Teaching and Learning - brief notes on factors that affect how quickly our kids learn

Editorials - published letters, broadcast editorial replies, and public testimony

Training, Education, and Employment - schools, on-line courses, professional employment

Why use ABA - scientific research and personal experiences

Principles of ABA - learn how it works

Finding support groups and other families

Special education - know the law and make it stick

Finding teachers and tutors

International resources 

Other autism resources 


This document is rsaffran.tripod.com/aba-autism.html, updated Monday, 02-Sep-2013 14:57:12 EDT

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