If you really want to make a difference, teach your kids to play with a special needs child, make sure he's included in after-school activities, invite him for a play-date or a birthday party. If you also happen to have some cash burning a hole in your pocket...
These are opportunities for giving that I have run across, including a few that people have asked me to include in the ABA Resources Web site. I list charities and individuals or organizations who do fundraising or promise to make donations based on product sales. I am not affiliated with nor can I vouch for the validity of any of the people or organizations listed here (though revenue from this Web site does go to The Federation for Children with Special Needs).
The Autism Society of America provides access to information
CADEF: The Childhood Autism Foundation, Inc., 1551 Shoup Court, Atlanta GA 30322, Office: 404-712-2384 / Cell: 404-822-1990, FAX 404-373-2415
Cycle USA is a fundraiser for autism
The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation, "A particular focus is to encourage through grant-giving programs for adolescents and adults with ASD involving recreational, vocational, educational and residential opportunities."
The Doug Flutie Foundation gives grants to organizations that in turn provide services to families
The Drive For Rebecca, "an ongoing effort to raise $10,000,000 to advance research and increase awareness of autism related disorders, benefiting CAN, NAAR and several wonderful educational organizations."
The Hurst Wood Education Foundation, Inc is a 501(c)(3)corporation specifically dedicated to helping to educate children with autism spectrum disorders. It provides some funding to several public and private schools including Clear Horizons Academy and Giant Steps located in Utah County, State of Utah. 5455 North River Run Drive Suite 302, Provo Utah 84604, phone: 801-368-1503, fax: 801-437-0489.
Myles-A-Part, PO Box 1345, Roswell GA 30077, 678-575-0014, serving Atlanta metro area, provides emotional and financial support for families living with Autism. (Grants awarded to families unable to afford therapies not covered by insurance or Medicaid.)
Martha Schipul has written a novel and will donate part of the proceeds: "I also wanted to call to your attention to my Young Adult novel, "Philippa,"which just became available on Xlibris.com. Go to Book Store, then Book Search, then type in Philippa and Martha Matus Schipul. It will also be available at Amazon.com and I think Barnes and Noble. I started this novel fifteen years ago when my son was diagnosed.... The world of autism is represented by the Planet Erne where birds are the highest form of life, where flapping is the norm, where eye contact is difficult, where verbal cues are misunderstood, where it is okay to devour your dinner without the use of utensils.... I am donating a dollar from the sale of each book to the Autism Resource Center of Connecticut in New Haven staffed by my friends Lois Rosenwald of the Greater New Haven PDD Aspergers group and Stacy Hultgren, editor of the PDDNetwork. I am donating an additional dollar of each sale to the ASPIRE group of Fairfield County to help fund a job coach, which we sorely need."
Surfers Healing Foundation "we offer free surfing camps to autistic kids. we need help funding for our summer camps"
The Veronica Bird Charitable Foundation, P.O. Box 599, Riva MD 21140, RAMSWAY@aol.com, 410-956-5882. She has produced and distributed a free video on the importance of early intervention.
The AJ Foundation for Children with Autism, P.O. Box 234, Wycombe PA 18980, info@ajfoundation.org
Camp Ahuvim, 1160 East 8th Street, Brooklyn NY 11230, 718-724-4283, fax 718-228-8163, contact Shlomo, shlomo@campahuvim.org, "A unique summer program for children with Autism, PDD, and Asperger syndrome. The program runs for 4 weeks and is for boys ages 7-13."
Hanaa's House, 5126 Columbia Ave, Dallas TX 75214, provides on-site ABA therapy for children 18 months to 10 years, and will supplement tuition on a need be basis.
to Learn, 7 Victor Street Chatswood Australia
from 7.30pm - 10.00pm, is dedicated to providing information, support, advice and
assistance to those who are interested in implementing similar programs
for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, and to raising the
awareness in general. The group brings together parents and
professionals. The group organises regular meetings, speakers and
regular newsletters
The Waikato Charitable
Trust for Applied
Analysis (WCTABA),
70 Lakeview Drive, Karapiro, Cambridge New
The Reepham
HUGS, Mrs. G. Wood. 5, Chapel Close, Reepham, Norfolk NR10
4QP (UK), Telephone 01603
Spectrum Kids, LLC, 39 Scotsdale Road, Carmel NY 10512, spectrumkidsinc@yahoo.com, 845-235-0419, "Spectrum Kids scholarship money goes directly to paying for services to children with autism who's families are in need and who's school districts are not providing adequate care in Connecticut and New York states"
Window to Hope, Inc, 2811 ruby ave, racine wi 53402, 262-880-0884, gives grants to Racine County WI families to purchase therapy and therapy related supplies
A good way to find an organization near you is to look in the Open Directory listings of Special Education Support Groups.
Desiree Ichiki is collecting books for her students: "As a special education teacher from the state of Hawaii, I am faced with the lack of funds for special ed. needs. Instead of bowing to the politics, I have chosen to be the voice of my students. We are faced to teach, inspire and plant creativity and imagination without books for my 7th graders to enjoy. As you know, reading is the foundation for the thirst of knowledge and curiousity. I am not asking for money but of books for my students to read, also any advice or references to solve the terrible negligence that they face daily."
The Federation for Children with Special Needs has a long history of advocating for the civil rights of our kids, and providing information and support for parents
Mina Santoro, San Clemente Junior Woman's Club P.O. Box 4600 San Clemente CA 92674, (949)465-6700. Project: Courtney's Sand Castle - a Boundless Playgrounds(TM). Estimated Completion: Fall 2004, Estimated Cost: $400,000, Need to Raise: $200,000. "The SCJWC and the City of San Clemente Beaches, Parks & Recreation are working together to build a Boundless PlaygroundTM at the Richard T. Steed Memorial Park. This playground will be a universal playground for all children to play together. It will not only meet the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessiblity Guidelines, but will also allow disabled children and adults the opportunity to play on a playground without leaving their support equipment behind."
teach reading using Bible-based
phonics material in my church to 3-6 year olds. Of late I have quite a
number of autistic children attending. .... I am also searching for
materials or videos which will help me to "really teach them reading."
At this moment we charge all the children a mere sum of RM20 or US$5-6
per month to help cover cost. As such I am writing to see whether you
could help us by giving us some free material or materials that other
parents no longer need and can give away." Petra Ho Lay
Hua, Subang Jaya Assembly of God, 5 Jalan SS13/3C, 47500 Subang Jaya,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Karen and Jamie Manning are selling a music CD to raise money for their son's education
This document is rsaffran.tripod.com/giving.html, updated Sunday, 26-Oct-2014 16:09:08 EDT
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