a good first choice.
Some other good places to buy books and videotapes, software,
and teaching materials. There are many books not listed in my Web site,
if you find something good let me know!
- Pro-Ed,
800-897-3202 (Pro-Ed is the publisher for some of the titles listed
pro-ABA, Inh. R.
Oetken, Leveser Allee 3, D-31693 Hespe, fon +49.5724.98499, fax
Looking for training in ABA or discrete trial teaching? Try
the Training and Education
listings for workshops, internships, and college programs.
More listings:
- 1001
Great Ideas for Teaching and Raising Children with Autism Spectrum
Disorders, Veronica Zysk and Ellen Notbohm, is
not about ABA but is highly recommended by many parents. Buy it from
- An
ABA Consultant's Companion, designed to be used as a resource by
educational teams, especially program coordinators and consultants,
working to help organize and implement ABA programs
- Autism in the School
Aged Child: Expanding Behavioral Strategies and Promoting Success,
Carol Schmidt, RN, BSN and Beth Heybyrne, MA
Press - Advancements in Verbal Behavior, 4425C Treat Blvd.
#210, Concord CA 94521, fax 925-682-5256,,
Carries a language, learning, and social skills assessment for children
with autism and other developmental disabilities - the Verbal Behavior
Milestones Assessment and Placement Program
- Behavioral Intervention for Young Children
with Autism edited by C. Maurice, G. Green, S.
Luce. A "how-to" manual on ABA, including research, curriculum,
teaching methods, and legal information. Buy it from
- Bringing ABA to Home, School, and Play for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Other Disabilities (Debra Leach)
- Effective Instruction for Children with
Autism: An Applied Behavior Analytic Approach, Thomas
Kitchen, MS, BCBA; includes a CD-ROM full of printable skill programs
and data sheets, as well as video examples of various concepts
- Graduated Applied Behavior Analysis,
Bobby Newman, Dana Reinecke, Sarah Birch, Frederica Blausten. ABA is
not "one size fits all." Different teaching techniques within ABA must
be chosen, based upon student need. Dr. Bobby Newman and colleagues
describe an approach that alters teaching methodologies based on the
functioning level of the student. Buy it from
- Making a Difference: Behavioral Intervention
for Autism, Catherine Maurice, Gina Green,
Richard Foxx. A companion to the Behavioral Intervention
book, covering additional topics such as peer social skills, feeding
issues, and ways to coordinate with other professionals including
classroom teachers and SLPs. Buy it from
- Parenting with Science: Behavior Analysis Saves Mom's Sanity,
Leanne Page, MEd, BCBA. The goal is to help parents come in contact
with the actual research-based methods used by clinicians worldwide.
Parents can implement these tools and reap the benefits of a calmer
household with lots of positive reinforcement for all the wonderful
behaviors of their children.
- Parents' Education as Autism
Therapists: Applied Behaviour Analysis in Context
edited by Mickey Keenan, Ken P. Kerr and Karola Dillenburger. Buy it from
- Raising
a Child with Autism, A Guide to Applied Behavior Analysis for Parents,
Shira Richman. Buy
it from
- Right From the Start: Behavioral Intervention
for Young Children with Autism, Sandra Harris
and Mary Jane Weiss (Woodbine Press, 1998), is reported to be another
helpful guide. Buy it from
- Teach me
how to learn, Gun-Louise Lyrén
- Teaching Individuals With Developmental
Delays: Basic Intervention Techniques, O. Ivar
Lovaas. Significantly updated from the 1981 ME Book.
Buy it from
Løvaas, O. Ivar. Opplæring av
mennesker med forsinket utvikling : grunnleggende prinsipper.
Oslo, Gyldandal akademisk, 2003. (I den norske udgave er der udeladt 6
kapitler om specifikke amerikanske forhold. Til gengæld er der et
ekstra kapitel om ABA i Norge skrevet af Svein Eikeseth, Erik Jahr og
Sigmund Eldevik). Findes på Danmarks Pædagogiske Bibliotek, hvorfra den
kan bestilles via
- Teaching Developmentally Disabled Children:
The ME Book, O. Ivar Lovaas 1981-. The original
how-to book. (Available in Hebrew.) Buy it from
A Work in Progress: Behavior
Management Strategies and a Curriculum for Intensive Behavioral
Treatment of Autism, John McEachin, Ron Leaf,
and other authors. McEachin and Leaf have decades of experience in this
area. Based on parent reviews it is a "must read" for those involved in
behavioral intervention. Buy it from
In other languages:
Para Soluciones Ce Comportamientos,,
Cartagena, Colombia: Esperanzas
Para el Autismo, un Trabajo en Progreso, editado
por Dr. Ron Leaf y Dr. John McEachin, un manual para padres de familia,
profesionales y educadores, estrategias y curiculum del reconocido
tratamiento intensivo de autismo, ABA.
Dieses Buch bietet dem Leser eine einfach zu verstehende Erklärung, wie
ABA anzuwenden ist und weist viele Wege auf, wie Sie die Wissenschaft
von ABA am Besten nutzen können, um Ihrem Kind mit Autismus zu helfen.
Neben vielen Programmen, Ratschlägen und Tipps, ist eine weitere
Besonderheit ein Lehrplan, den Sie benutzen können, um mit Ihrem Kind
ein ABA - Programm zu starten oder um spezielle Probleme zu adressieren
- The ABA Program Companion: Organizing Quality
Programs for Children With Autism and PDD, J. Tyler and M.A.
Fovel is a companion book and CD-ROM, based on the curriculum in A
Work in Progress. Buy it from
Recommended by another parent: "There is a
very good ABA handbook written by Marge Penning, Ph.D., of Grand
Rapids, Michigan. The Citizens Alliance Upholding Special Education
sells copies for $90 each. It is a 3 inch, 3 ring binder with very
detailed instructions and examples for carrying out [ABA, behavioral
intervention]." From Citizens
Alliance to UpHold Special Education, 2365 Woodlake Drive,
Ste. 100, Okemos Michigan 48864, 517-886-9167 or 800-221-9105 (US
Only), Fax: 517-886-9775
Recorded material (tapes, discs, videos)
(Autism Coalition for Creative Educational and Social Services)
produces training and information videotapes by Dr. John McEachin and
others, 92 Corporate Park, Suite C-500, Irvine CA
92714, 714-856-012S [the last digit may be a 5]. Or contact The Autism Exchange,
Fax 949-361-0623, or call 949-623-8219, or mail to The Autism Exchange,
769 Calle Vallarta, San Clemente CA 92673.
- Bridges sells ABA training
videotapes and manuals, PO Box 35, Burnt Hills NY
12027, 888-222-8273
- Help Us Learn is a complete
self-paced training program for preparing parents, educators, students,
teachers, therapists, service providers, friends & family to
use Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) programs to work with children
with Autism Spectrum Disorders, PDD, & other developmental
- Maximum Potential , 1080 Cambridge
Square, Alpharetta GA,
877-629-7654, fax 770-664-8338,,
" empower parents and teachers to provide ABA therapy in
any environment. Created by two PhD BCBA's the program on 8 DVD's
contains 17 modules that give an instructor the necessary skills to set
up an effective and affordable in home ABA program. Developed for those
who struggle with ABA costs, those who do not live near a therapist and
those who just want to add hours."
- Princeton
Child Development Institute Tapes, "Teaching Independence and
Choice: How to Use Photographic and Written Activity Schedules in
Autism Intervention". 2 hours and 45 minutes of detailed information
about how to teach first activity schedules and choice making, how to
fade prompts, how to use schedules at home, how to troubleshoot
procedures and more. Available from: Princeton Child Development
Institute, 300 Cold Soil Road, Princeton NJ
08540 609-924-6280; Fax: 609-924-4119;
autism, 646-257-2919,, is
a web-based autism treatment platform for parents and professionals
[that enables you to] -Create an individualized treatment program for
you child. -Learn to teach using ABA -Hundreds of step by step video
lessons -Ensure treatment effectiveness with automated progress
tracking -Online support from trained professionals Our mission is
offering parents and professionals immediate access to effective and
affordable Applied Behavior Analysis-based treatment tools for the
growing population affected by autism spectrum disorders.
World Wide Web
for parents and other caregivers who need help managing behavioral
problems in children with autism or other neuropsychological disorders,
Gary Brown, Ph.D
- Autism Teaching Tools covers a very
broad range of topics including language instruction, program
management, and various teaching methods, and includes extensive
helpful reviews of instructional books, children's books, toys, videos,
ands other teaching materials (by a parent)
- Bringing ABA
is dedicated to supporting professionals and caregivers with embedding
the principles of applied behavior analysis (ABA) into the everyday
lives of individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and other
- Christina Burk is a behavioral
consultant with a Web site containing a lot of useful information about
how to teach well
provides free downloadable materials for use within educational
programmes for children with autism, and a lot of good information
about ABA
- Intro
to the Concepts of ABA focuses on running an effective "home
- Kathy &
Calvin's Page is another source of how-to tips and resources,
including a list of 126 reinforcers! (OR)
- Programs and Interventions is an
extensive set of very clear PDF documents (and some Quicktime
videos) on the basics of behavior management in the classroom (equally
applicable to one-on-one teaching). Very good guide to many (not all)
of the basic practices of behavioral intervention. From Utah State
- Sumlin
Program Notes describes how two parents, with the help of a
behavioral consultant, managed an intensive program and helped their
child recover and
succeed in "regular" education (300k). The notes are a compilation of
1-3 page handouts, given to the therapists as required reading prior to
every session, containing reminders of new and old goals, how to
address problem behaviors, and other tips for successful teaching. Save
time and bandwidth by downloading
the "zipped" reference file set.
- Training
Materials from the Mariposa
School includes "Implementing a Successful Verbal Behavior
Program" and "Training Manual compiled for Verbal Behavior Training
Seminars" (125 pages! but also available in individual chapters)
See also the Materials
section for many sources of books and software
the "How to" section, almost all the general texts include a
lot of beginning language curriculum
- The Cow Says Moo,,
Early Intervention speech guide, including contact information by
state. Verbal Behavior strategies included in the speech guide.
- Teaching Language to Children with Autism or
Other Developmental Disabilities, by Mark L. Sundberg and
James W. Partington, looks at Skinner's approach to verbal behavior in
relation to teaching children with autism
- More
Than Words (Fern Sussman) is recommended by a
Mom as a useful guide to keeping your child engaged outside the
structure of a formal teaching program. Buy
it from
- Teach Me Language, a
language manual for children with autism, Asperger's syndrome and
related developmental disorders (Freeman and Dake). Contains language,
general knowledge, social situation drills and exercises that may be
appropriate for children who have mostly mastered the material in the Behavioral
Intervention book. From SKF books, 604-534-6956, FAX
604-534-9527, or Different Roads to Learning,
800-853-1057. Buy it from
Books and program guides
indicates books which contain curriculum to meet
specific IEP social goals.
- Asperger's Syndrome: A
Guide for Parents and Professionals by Dr. Tony
Attwood, has lots of personal accounts and practical skill-building
tips. Not just for kids - this is a useful guide for teenagers and
adults too. Buy it from, Buy
it from Future Horizons
Incorporating Social Goals in the Classroom:
A Guide for Teachers and Parents of Children with High-Functioning
Autism and Asperger Syndrome by Rebecca A.
Moyes, Susan J. Moreno. Buy it from,
it from Future Horizons
Inside Out: What Makes the Person with
Social-cognitive Deficits Tick? by Michelle
Garcia Winner. Buy it from,
it from Future Horizons
Navigating the Social World: A Curriculum for
Individuals with Asperger's Syndrome, High Functioning Autism and
Related Disorders by Jeannie McAfee. Buy it from,
it from Future Horizons
- Project ACHIEVE , 49 Woodberry
Little Rock, AR 72212
USA, 501-312-1484, fax 501-312-1493, "Stop & Think Social
Skills Program"
- Reaching Out, Joining in:
Teaching Social Skills to Young Children With Autism
by Mary Jane Weiss, Sandra L. Harris. Buy it from
Ready-to-Use Social Skills Lessons &
Activities for Grades 4 - 6 by Ruth Weltmann
Begun. Buy it from
- Autism/Asperger's: Solving the Relationship
Puzzle, and,
Relationship Development Intervention with
Young Children: Social and Emotional Development Activities for
Asperger Syndrome, Autism, PDD and NLD. Buy
it from Future Horizons
- Social Skills Activities for
Special Children, by Darlene Mannix. Buy it from
- Social
Skills Solutions, includes steps for using visuals,
video modeling, peer play and natural occurring situations to
facilitate social skills learning, plus reproducible worksheets for
easy implementation. 200+ pages, by Janis Krempa, M.Ed, BCBA &
Kelly McKinnon, MA, BCBA.
Social Star (General Interaction
Skills, Book 1) by Nancy Gajewski, Polly Hirn,
Patty Mayo (there is also a Book 2). Buy it from
- Teaching Children With Autism to Mind-Read: A
Practical Guide for Teachers and Parents, by
Patricia Howlin (Editor) and Simon Baron-Cohen. Buy it from
- Teaching Your Child the Language
of Social Success by Marshall Duke, PhD, has
general guidelines for teaching non-verbal communication, but it is not
a detailed "how to" guide. Buy it from
Thinking About You, Thinking About
Me: Philosophy and Strategies for Facilitating the Development of
Perspective Taking for Students with Social Cognitive Deficits
by Michelle Garcia Winner. Buy
it from Future Horizons
Other media, software, teaching materials
- Helping, Sharing and Caring Game The
game provides an enjoyable game in the context of which important
issues are introduced. A wide variety of issues are focused on, for
example, self-esteem, manners, safety, ethics, health, consideration
for others, interpersonal relations, the value of learning, sympathy,
empathy, and competence. From Therapeutic Resource, Inc.,,
Customer Service: 888-331-7114 or 440-331-7114
- Model
Me Kids sells videos for teaching social skills by example (affiliated
site: commissions from sales are donated to the Federation for
Children with Special Needs)
- Social Skill Builder, founded by
speech language pathologists, has developed interactive CD-ROM computer
programs that target understanding and use of every day social skills
in children with a variety of disorders and delays
World Wide Web
- Classwide Social Skills Program
- Integrated
Play Groups
- Making
(and keeping) Friends: a Model for Social Skills Instruction
(Dr. Scott Bellini) is a good introduction to many ways to teach and
practice social skills
- National Network for Child Care Guidance and Discipline has many
short, helpful articles about how to teach and practice social skills
in children (from the U.S. Department of Agriculture !?!)
- NLDline Nonverbal
learning disorders (NLD) is a neurological syndrome consisting of
specific assets and deficits. The assets include early speech and
vocabulary development, remarkable rote memory skills, attention to
detail, early reading skills development and excellent spelling
skills.... Three major categories of deficits and dysfunction also
present themselves: *Motoric (lack of coordination, severe balance
problems, and difficulties with graphomotor skills).
*Visual-spatial-organizational (lack of image, poor visual recall,
faulty spatial perceptions, and difficulties with spatial relations).
*Social (lack of ability to comprehend nonverbal communication,
difficulties adjusting to transitions and novel situations, and
deficits in social judgment and social interaction).
is a comprehensive site, with programs for teaching play skills, "how
to" information for running play dates, and other resources. Written
and edited by a Mom.
- PlaySteps
has materials for teaching beginning independent play. The new
PLAYSTEPS books teach constructive play, step by step and are
recommended for children 3-8 years old. The books have been field
tested for two years with students with autism and multiple
disabilities and provide a helpful tool for parents and teachers
targeting independent play skills..
- Sumlin
Social Stories (no connection to Carol
Gray's Social Stories, which is
another useful resource) is a set of teaching programs used to teach a
young child the "Golden Rule" and two dozen other rules and strategies
for success with peers, parents, and school (200k). By the parents of a recovered child, Megan and
Jim Sumlin (pseudonyms) . Save time and bandwidth by downloading the "zipped" reference
file set.
- Teach
Me to Play is a compilation of notes from over two years of
ABA programming, detailing development to independent, spontaneous play
(300k). Save time and bandwidth by downloading
the "zipped" reference file set.
Academic, self-help,
activities of daily living, emotional regulation
- Laureate
Learning Systems "We have [computer] programs that train
cause and effect, turn-taking, early vocabulary, syntax, cognitive
concepts, auditory processing, and reading" 800-562-6801
- Sandbox
Learning sells a game that teaches skills for indepedence
using ABA methods
- SymTrend is
an electronic diary system that helps monitor, improve and explain your
health by allowing you to •
Record quickly and easily wherever and whenever •
Generate charts • Follow
guidance logs • Keep
health information in one place; 617-484-7510
- Teach Me Language From
books, 604-534-6956, FAX 604-534-9527, or Different
Roads to Learning, 800-853-1057. Buy it from
- Watch Me Learn, PO Box 329,
Greenlawn NY 11740,
631-261-1707, fax 631-261-4552,,
Teaching videos and curriculum teaching functional skills, language
skills, self help skills, life skills, motor skills and social skills.
Integrates with other interventions including ABA, VB, Speech and
Language therapy, Occupational Therapy and more. Curriculum is designed
to provide a multi-sensory approach to teaching with a video model of
skill at core.
Most unwanted behaviors are addressed through a
combination of removing reinforcement (extinction), and teaching more
desirable replacement behaviors, techniques which are covered in all
the "how-to" books.
Don't underestimate the importance of sports, arts,
and other recreational activities for a child or adult of any age.
There are many wonderful adaptive programs - this is just a small
- See Disabled Sports USA for
organization addresses and collections of WWW links
- Special Olympics
- Surfers Healing Foundation San
Clemente CA
- The Adaptive
Riding Institute, PO Box 280, Scotts Mills OR 97375, 503-873-3890
- Adaptive Ski Program Review (from Sitski)
- Wachusett
Mountain has a great adaptive ski program (MA),
978-464-2300 ext. 3718
- Autistic Piano EXpress, 215 Lennox
Ave. Syracuse NY 13210,
"A specialized piano curriculum for students with autism and other
disabilities...Instructor Alex Citron, who holds a Master's degree from
Eastman School of Music, is also available for online and phone
consultation and LIVE ONLINE LESSONS through webcam."
Teaching materials
- ABA Bucket, Around 200
laminated flashcards with matching set. Block imitation program, giant
pegboard, opposites program, environmental sounds lotto, matching 3D
objects (animals, food, dishes, shapes). Optional binder includes 15
programs and sample data sheets. Kits start at $150. Rebecca Luraschi
- ABA Educational Materials, 185
Vanguard Rd., Concord ON,
Canada, 905-303-4418,
Also includes many links to instructional resources and materials
- Adaptive Worksheets, PO Box 544,
Peterborough NH 03458,
888-777-0876, fax 888-777-0875,,
world wide customized worksheets, worksheet generators, photo flash
cards and visuals for academic and living skills. free printables as
well as a membership option.
- Archie McPhee is one of my favorite
sources for fun, unusual stuff - their grab bags are a pretty good deal
- AutismBuddy, United
Kingdom,, We
provide easy to download resources in many categories including
booklets, puzzles and games, flashcards, worksheets, visual
timetabling, activities, visual aids, emotions, teaching aids, toilet
training, matching and sorting, classroom displays, subjects, clip-art
and social skills.
- autismdrills, Canada,,
also in Romania, provides high quality printable based upon ABA
(Applied Behaviour Analysis) and Verbal Behaviour. It is a resource for
parents, teachers and other professionals involved in teaching children
with autism.
- Autism Help Today, P.O. Box 114,
Mason OH 45040,
224-656-0353,, Includes
affordable, professional quality products to help autistic children
learn. Owned and operated by the mother of an autistic child.
- Autism Learn, (631) 821-1902, We
have designed and developed skill building learning activities that are
purposeful, visually based, structured, organized, new and exciting.
Our activities can assist to help target the development of different
basic skills and can be used in schools, at home, or by therapists. We
are dedicated to making visually structured activities designed to help
develop multiple skills for persons with autism. Many of our activities
contain different levels, creating a connected hierarchy.
- Brighter Starts sells wooden
puzzles, wooden toys, pegboards, language builder card sets and much
more, Valerie Gancarz-DeMarco, MA, MSW, 1-866-206-TOYS
- Bright Start Therapeutics
offers therapeutic toys, learning tools, and adaptive devices for
children with autism and other special needs
- Chichi's ABA Learning Materials, P.O Box
21161, Maple Ridge BC V2X
1P7, Canada, 604-476-2434, 866-476-2434,
- Children's Publishing, 201 Woodland
Park, Georgetown TX 78633
US, 877-864-7864, fax 512-864-1282, Books and therapy materials and
research-based storybooks and CD-ROMs for speech, language, autism,
early literacy
Roads to Learning sells books, flash cards, games, software,
video tapes, and more
- Fun and Function, Merion Station, PA offers
a large selection of unique and exclusive toys, games and therapy
products for children with autism and other special needs at affordable
- Great Ideas for
Teaching, 800-839-8339 phone, 800-839-8498 fax, P.O. Box 444,
Wrightsville Beach NC 28480
- Grocery Pecs sells labeled images
of food products
- Hi-Five Learning Tools offers photo
quality picture cards
- Inekards,
Lane Cove Sydney NSW
Australia 2066,,
Global via mail distribution Flashcards for autistic children -
primarily used in ABA programs
has printable activity schedules, plus the ability to create your own
activity schedules, choice boards, behavioral contracts, rule cards,
visual reports, forms, and index cards
- KidKit sells a kit of program materials:
color and shape matching, picture schedule, magnetic board, social
stories book, "to go" carry bag, and much more, 630-415-1870
- The Learning Loft, LLC
offers "Workbook Window" - turns any workbook into a Wipe-on Wipe-off
Practice Book
- Lingui-Systems offers many books,
including the often-used MEER Books,
- Littlesheep
Learning - educational resources for everyone - books, games,
flashcards and lots more (UK)
- Look at Me Now!, LLC, 800-897-0423,,
allows users to make a movie to improve the life of a child with
Autism. Using a quick and easy system teachers, parents or
professionals can make a personalized video self model (VSM) movie.
Children enjoy seeing themselves successful and enjoying activities
within the movies while parents and professionals enjoy the amazing
success their child demonstrates after viewing the movie. Titles
include "Going to the Dentist," and "Using the Toilet."
- MAK Home Therapy Resources offers
photographic, laminated flashcards,,
- Monarch Educational Materials We
develop therapeutic tools for parents and professionals working with
children diagnosed with autism.
- Multiple choice is a CD ROM offering an
extensive range of images (illustrations and photographs) suitable for
a wide variety of programme areas, £45 (plus p+p), Maria Saville,
- National Autism Resources
We actively raise money for research through the Organization for
Autism Research. We have been in business since 2006 and offer
over 1600 products including flash cards and other teaching materials.
- Natural Learning Concepts sells a
variety of teaching materials and books for ABA and "verbal behavior",
is a website providing ABA resources to be used in conjunction with the
ABLLS-R protocol, providing picture stimuli, in the form of flashcards,
designed for use with specific ABLLS-R skills, for ON-DEMAND printing
by the consumer
- Picto Selector provides a large
number of printable PECS (picture exchange communication system)
- Pyramid
Educational Consultants is a source for ABA curriculum
materials, including "PECS" (Picture Exchange Communication System),
sometimes used to teach children who do not learn language by verbal
-, 222 Van
Houten Ave., Wyckoff NJ
07481, 201-693-3877, Workbooks teaching letter and number
identification utilizing ABA theories for teachers and parents of
children with autism and other learning disabilities or delays
- Silver Lining Multimedia sells
software to create and print over 2000 labeled photo flash cards and
lotto cards
- Special Learning Inc. sells books and other ABA program materials. They also offer Web-based instruction in ABA.
- Special Resources (UK) sells modern photo flashcards for ABA/VB assessment and teaching for schools, consultants, therapists and home programmes
- Stages Learning
Materials provides high quality real photographic
flash cards, games and posters for basic language practice with
children or adults with autism, developmental delays, or speech and
language delays, 3199 Plummers Lane, Chico CA
95973, phone: 530-298-1112, fax: 530-892-0281
- Thomas the Tank Engine and Autism Spectrum
Disorder provides examples of facial expressions
from the videos which have helped many children make great strides in
emotional development
- Tuneville,
Fort Worth, TX,
817-294-9441, fax 806-498-7510, Begun by a parent-teacher team as a way
to accelerate a child's ABA
program, every line of Tuneville lyrics are practical language drills.
Download the ever expanding town including a complete lesson ready to
implement FREE of charge.
- Verbal Behavior Teaching Tools
sells ABLLS Assessment and Program Kits, flashcards, and instructional
seminars on disc, 281-440-0883, Fax 281-893-3118,,
16720 Stuebner Airline #110, Spring TX
- The Victoria Chart
Company, Clearwater, Florida,
(727) 466 4719,,
makes Reward Charts for Children. Easy-to-use and fun for children,
each of our charts is age-specific and covers common milestones in
young children’s lives. Most importantly, our charts can be tailored to
the individual need of your child. Also in the UK.
- Winning Connection sells laminated
flashcards, over 600 images selected by a Mom and a professional
consultant (Australia)
Curriculum (teaching programs, educational software, tapes,
CDs, DVDs)
See also the MouseTrial Autism Software Database
- ABA Math is
- Buddy's ABA apps, 102, rue de Bordeaux, 16000 Angouleme. France,
apps to help child with autism. We are the parents of Charlie, a
typical 6-year-old autistic child, and we designed the apps with 2 ABA
psychologists and a super team of parents and professionals. ... these
are applications to help in learning vocabulary, in particular for
autistic children, using the ABA method.
- CompuThera Seven
Steps to Reading for Children with Autism and Visual Learners
- Convey
by BluePen Apps is a communication app for the iPad to help facilitate
language. It is free to download and was designed to be a
functional communication device with the use of the free version.
The paid for version allows for a comprehensive expansion of mands,
carrier phrases, and an exceptional ability to add real photos.
Photos can be added from the apps library, the devices camera role, or
a real time photo from the camera. When Adding a name to a given
mand, the app will use a web bases voice simulator or the users voice
could be recorded.
- Discrete
Trial Trainer teaches names of items such as nouns,
verbs, or prepositions, teaches the sounds of items, and teaches
functional information with questions associated with target items
has a collection of teaching programs on-line (requires Microsoft Excel)
- Flash!
Pro2 Picture CD-ROM with over 10,000 images to print from a
PC to teach kids with Autism/PDD. 10 Burnleigh Drive, Gladstone Park
VIC 3043, Australia, Tel:
+61 3 9310 4038, Fax +61 3 9324 4956,
- Gaining Face Software to teach
recognition of emotions and facial expressions (PC only)
- Jacob's Lessons is a free Web site
developed by a Dad
- KVAdaptive, 359 Walker st Lowell ma 01851, 508-667-9547, fax 877-804-0401,
was founded to serve a new generation of parent or teacher: at home
with the iPhone but lost in the sea of sometimes dubious Autism
information. KVA, through training seminars, ABA home programs, BCBA
consultation and adaptive technology help you wade through the storm.
Our parent and therapist software line ABAPref, ABABasic is currently
available in the app store.
- Labeling_Tutor
is a
software program designed to teach children with learning disabilities,
including autism, to associate written words and sounds with pictures.
For Macintosh and Windows. James Schumacher, Millennium Software, 3155
Fujita Street, Torrance CA 90505, Phone: 310-530-0356,
- Laureate
Learning Systems We have [computer] programs that
train cause and effect, turn-taking, early vocabulary, syntax,
cognitive concepts, auditory processing, and reading, 800-562-6801
- Max and Friends
from Launch into Learning is a multimedia
skill building program for children with autism and related
disabilities. It includes a children's television program (on DVD),
story books and music to present therapy-based exercises in a fun,
simple format for children with special learning needs.
- MouseTrial is
fun game designed for kids with autistic spectrum disorders. Free demo
at the Web site, full version requires purchase
is a free online newsletter that celebrates the sunny side of the
spectrum. The newsletter includes positive news, autism research, and
free printable games, flash cards, ABA data sheets, and more.
- Precision Songs, 616 Jan Ct.,
Saginaw TX 76179,
817-294-9441, Not only does Precision Songs harness the power
of music to teach functional language, it is coupled with an online
curriculum-based assessment that allows specific, objective measurement
of progress. These materials are made for immediate use in the trenches
with parents and paraprofessionals in mind.
- Pyramid
Educational Consultants-USA, 13 Garfield Way, Newark DE 19713, 888-732-7462, fax
302-368-2516, offers a wide range of consulting services and products
for educators and parents of children and adults with autism and
related disabilities, [including] training and consultation for the
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) and the Pyramid Approach
to Education.
Assist offers software to teach reading and communication
- Skills: The Online Autism Solution,
19019 Ventura Blvd. Suite 300
Tarzana, CA 91356, (877)
Skills® is an online tool for educators and parents of children with
autism that provides comprehensive assessment and curriculum, positive
behavior support planning for challenging behavior, progress tracking
and treatment evaluation all in one place.
- SpeechTeach, using 2,000 custom
produced videos and photos, SpeechTeach teaches expressive beginning
language--speaking, not just listening,, phone
- SugarPeaProducts sells curriculum
and other program materials on computer-readable media
- TeachTown,
2815 Eastlake Avenue E., Suite 300, Seattle WA
98102, 206-336-5585, TeachTown
Basics features a comprehensive, scientifically backed curriculum that
teaches the child using the computer and off-computer, naturalistic
activities. Progress is graphed automatically and your entire team can
share data and session notes over the TeachTown secure server.
- Therapics,
Visual aids and therapy materials for children on the autism spectrum.
Designed by a mum of a special needs child who is also a graphic
designer, these materials include: Communication supports; Visual
schedules and charts; Games and activities for encouraging social
skills; Supports for life skills and for the classroom.
- Ultimate Learning computer
software series provides informational reading tasks that develop
problem solving language, thus enabling a deeper understanding of the
way things work in the world around us
Program management and organization
(Ireland) Online Graphing
tool and Content Management for ABA
- ABA Teamwork Inc., British Columbia,,
"ABA Teamwork LS" is a free software application that computerizes data
collection of ABA therapies to replace a thick data sheet binder with a
small laptop.
- Autism Spotlight, 419 79th ave
north ste 3, Myrtle Beach SC
29579, 843-424-5251, is an ABA social networking community
founded by parents of a child with autism: [providing] the ability to
interact with our therapists after hours, receive updates and news,
along with the ability to watch training videos which help us continue
to work with our children at home, keeping consistent with their
- Cocon Développement , 1515 Bissonnet, Longueuil QC J4M 2L2, 514-531-6410,
French, Spanish, German and English Services: Instructor Training and
Supervision Data Analysis Software Tools: Automated Celeration Chart
Verbal Behavior Cold Probe Tool Workshops: ABA, Precision Teaching,
Verbal Behavior
- Data Makes the Difference, LLC, 7
S. Main St. Suite 205, Wilkes-Barre PA
18701, 570-332-2285, World wide Behavior Tracker Pro is a
behavior data collection application for PDAs that allows BCBAs,
behavioral therapists, aides, teachers or parents to track behaviors
and graph them. Behavior Tracker Pro improves your child's ABA therapy
by electronically capturing behavioral data and translating into an
easy to understand graphical format. iPhone, iPod Touch, Blackberry,
Android and Palm WebOS all supported.
- Developing Minds Software,
Littleton CO 80120,,
offers DDtrac, World Wide Web-based software for tracking, reporting,
and accessing data, allowing therapists and parents to login and review
- Home ABA Data Manager, Gumnut
Enterprises, 13045 61B Ave, Surrey BC
Canada V3X-2G4
- Iabida
is a WWW service with which users can replace the 3 ring
journal, upload videos and pictures, upload IEP documents, track diet
and medications if desired, track behavior and more
- Mobile
Thinking, LLC sells software that lets schools, agencies and
parents inexpensively record, store, and report Discrete Trial and
Behavior data. Agencies and schools can email to parents easy-to-read
graphs, charts, and time-on-task summaries.
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