ABA Resources for Recovery from Autism/PDD/HyperlexiaSpecial Education

Special education (early intervention, schools, Individualized Education Programs)

"IDEA does not require that a school either maximize a student's potential or provide the best possible education at public expense… The goal is more to open the door… to handicapped children on appropriate terms than to guarantee any particular level of education once inside." [USA judge William Knox of the Western District of Missouri]

Legal and advocacy information

See also listings of special education attorneys and advocates. Ask your elected representatives to help you find resources or overcome bureaucratic obstacles - they are supposed to work for you.

Where should I live? (US)

It's very difficult to compare the quality of special education services in different locations. There are pronounced regional and state differences, but because almost all services are provided by local school systems, families living less than al mile apart can have dramatically different experiences - and with no remedy except to move. Even within a "good" school system in a "good" state it's possible to find both good and awful schools, solely because of the beliefs of the building principals.

After those specific reports, you might consider a state's overall commitment to children (and families) by looking at measures of child-related policies and practices.

This document is rsaffran.tripod.com/specialeducation.html, updated Sunday, 26-Oct-2014 20:32:27 EDT

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