ABA Training, Education, and Employment
If you are looking for training as an "ABA therapist" (that
is, a direct service provider), consider these three options:
- Work with one or more individual children, either directly
through their parents or under contract to a school. Reliable people,
even with little or no experience, are in high demand. Contact the consultants listed near
you and ask if they have clients looking for help; also try the support groups and mail lists.
You can get excellent on-the-job training this way.
- Work for a private or public school, as a one-on-one
instructor ("ABA therapist") or a classroom aide. Some experience and
education is necessary. Contact the private
schools near you, and the local special education
- Enroll in a certificate or degree program in behavior
analysis. This option is necessary if you intend to work at a higher
level (that is, as a consultant or supervisor).
Undergraduate courses and programs in Applied Behavior
This is only a partial listing of programs that
concentrate on ABA. If you are interested in working with special needs
children you should also look at programs in special education, early
childhood development, general education, and related fields such as
occupational therapy and communication disorders (speech therapy).
- University of South Florida
- George
Mason University's Kellar Institute for Human disAbilities,
4400 University Drive
MS 1F2,
Fairfax Virginia
22030, 703-993-5245, fax 703-934-2195, Undergraduate Minor in Applied
Behavior Analysis - a 3 course and internship sequence to prepare those
completing it to sit for the BCABA examination administered by the
BACB; Graduate Certificate in Applied Behavior Analysis - a 5 course
(plus optional internship) sequence to prepare those completing it who
hold Master's or Doctoral Degrees to sit for the BCBA examination
administered by the BACB.
- Western Michigan
University, Kalamazoo
- University of Minnesota,
- University of Wisconsin
Eau Claire
Graduate programs in Applied Behavior Analysis, BCBA
certification programs
Behavior Analysis Academic Programs
from the Open Directory
- University of California
at Los Angeles
- University of California
at San Diego
- University of California
at Santa Barbara
- Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne Florida
- University
of South Florida, Tampa Florida
- Southern Illinois
University at Carbondale (SIUC), Behavior Analysis and Behavior Therapy
Masters program
- Northeastern University, Boston MA,
in cooperation with The
New England Center for Children
- Simmons College, Boston MA
- Caldwell College, Caldwell NJ
- Douglass Developmental Disabilities Center, New Brunswick New Jersey
- Rutgers, Piscataway New
- University of Nevada
- Columbia University Teacher's College, New York City NY
- Queen's College, Flushing, NY
- Sage Graduate School, contact:
Wendy Diefendorf, Director of Graduate and Adult Admission, 45 Ferry
Street, Troy NY 12180, diefew@sage.edu,
518-244-2443, offers a distance learning ("online") MS program in ABA
- State University of New York,
Binghamton New York
- Lake Erie Autism Diagnostic, Educational, and
Research Services...The LEADERS Program (Achievement Center and
Mercyhurst College), Based in Erie PA,
814-459-2755 1249, BCBA graduate program and intensive practicum at
Mercyhurst College
- Penn State Harrisburg, Harrisburg PA
- University of Wisconsin
Behaviour Institute
in cooperation with the University of Nevada at Reno, contact KC Scott,
Behaviour Institute,
57 Young St., Hamilton, Ontario,
L8N 1V1, 905-570-0777, FAX: 905-570-0778, birecruit@cogeco.ca
College, Fennell Avenue and West 5th, Box 2034, Hamilton Ontario CANADA L8N 3T2, offers a
Graduate Certificate Program, contact Michelle Turan, michelle.turan@mohawkcollege.ca,
905-575-1212 ext. 3337
The University of Auckland,
Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1020, NEW
ZEALAND. Contact: Dr Max Jones, ph.+64 9 373 7599 ext
88518, bm.jones@auckland.ac.nz,
or Dr Oliver Mudford, BCBA, ph.+64 9 373 7599 ext 82319, o.mudford@auckland.ac.nz
Queen’s University Belfast, School of Education, MSc in ABA (includes BACB approved course sequence). For more information, contact Dr Katerina Dounavi, BCBA-D.
Internships, certificate programs, on-line courses, other
sources of training
See also the listing
of private schools, the workshops
and training listings, and Educational Opportunities
- ABA4Autism or other
Neuropsychological Disorders offers an on-line course and a
printed textbook (Dr. Gary Brown, Psychologist/HSP Professor and Chair,
Department of Psychology, University of Tennessee, Martin TN 38238
- Autism
Training Solutions is a Hawaii-based company that
web-based training and support to the autism community and general
Our Mission is to enlighten, excite, and educate others in
evidenced-based methods of teaching individuals with autism and related
behavioral disabilities.
- Behavioral Intervention in Autism is
offered through the E. K. Shriver Center
at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, contact Richard K.
Fleming, Ph.D., Richard.Fleming@umassmed.edu
- California
State University, Sacramento
- College of Applied Human Services, Corporate Office
California, USA, 8058954535, Online,
self-paced, affordable ABA education and training programs and graduate
credits available. ABA Tutor Credential Program - 30 hours of ABA
Coursework; QASP (Qualified Autism Services Practitioner) Credential -
120 hours of ABA Coursework and Public ABA Registry available for all
- Foundation for Autism Training &
Education is offering FREE workshops on ABA and Teaching
Verbal Behavior
- National
University, Camarillo Learning Center, 761 East Daily Drive,
Suite #120, Camarillo Ca
93010, Ph: (805) 437-3022, Fax: (805) 437-3094, contact Ryan McGill, rmcgill@nu.edu
Land Therapy, provides Speech, OT, PT, Verbal Behavior and
ABA services, School, Center and some Home based services, and training
internships for Professionals, 10407 SW 186 St, Miami FL 33157, contact: Jenie Nowak,
phone: 305-255-9561, fax: 305-255-2572, plandinc@bellsouth.net
Center for Autism, 1101 Olivette Executive Parkway, St. Louis
MO 63132, 314-432-6200,
fax 314-849-2721, Admissions Coordinator, judevine@judevine.org
- University
College Washington University, Campus Box 1085, One Brookings
Drive, St. Louis MO
- Center for Applied Behavior Analysis,
The Sage Colleges, 45 Ferry Street, Troy NY
12180. Thomas Zane, Ph.D., B.C.B.A. Director, Phone: 518-244-2494, Fax:
518-244-2334, zanet@sage.edu
- Effective Interventions, Inc., 665
N. Newbridge Road, Levittown NY
11756, 516-433-4202, Private facility for 1:1 ABA instruction as well
as parent training and ABA seminars, BCBA certification supervision
- POAC-NoVA Verbal Behavior Instructors Academy,
3927 Old Lee Highway Suite 102-C, Fairfax VA 22030-2422, The mission of the POAC-NoVA Verbal Behavior Instructors Academy
(PVBIA) is to increase the local availability of quality Applied
Behavioral Analysis using Skinner's Analysis of Verbal Behavior
(ABA/VB) instruction by founding a school for ABA/VB
therapists/instructors... (1) train new therapists in research-based
methodologies; (2) teach parents and therapists best practices in
organizing and running home programs; (3) help parents organize
structured training programs for their therapists; and (4) serve as a
model for other locally-based schools to train therapists in effective,
research-based methodologies for teaching developmentally delayed
children. PVBIA, in addition to our Boot Camps and George Mason
University Advanced Practicum, offers a full set of training classes
and includes supervised hands-on therapy with children in the homes of
POAC-NoVA members. pvbia@poac-nova.org
- Special Learning Inc. offers Web-based instruction in behavioral intervention as well as other program resources
and Behavioural Science, George Brown College, Toronto Ontario, Canada
Center - Specialists for Autism, Asperger's & ADHD,
247, Panagi Tsaldari str., 17675 Kallithea, Athens, Greece, 210-957-1890, professional
training courses
Magiko Sympan
BCBA supervision on-site and at distance, specialised workshops for
students, professionals and parents and training events throughout
Employment opportunities
See also the listing
of private schools
Professional resources
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